Syntax: The Order of Meaningful Elements
Monograph No. 1 -- By Paul Friedrich Linguistic
Reconstruction: Its Potentials and Limitations In New Perspective
to Georges Dumézil Essays
In Memory of Karl Kerènyi The
Evolution of Indo-European Nomenclature for Salmonid Fish: The Case of
'Huchen' (Hucho Spp.) Essays
on Germanic Religion Perspectives
on Indo-European Language, Culture and Religion Volume 1: Studies in Honor
of Edgar C. Polomé Apollo
the Wolf-God Perspectives
on Indo-European Language, Culture and Religion Volume 2: Studies in Honor
of Edgar C. Polomé The
Glottalic Theory: Survey and Synthesis The
Anthropomorphic Stelae of the Ukraine: Linguistic
Typology, Universality and the Realism of Reconstruction The
Sigmatic Aorist in Indo-European: Evidence for the Space-Time Hypothesis A
Student Guide to the Genitive of the Agent in Indo-European Languages An
Introduction to Old Russian Indo-European
Religion after Dumézil The
Indo-Europeanization of Northern Europe The
Kurgan Culture and The Indo-Europeanization of Europe Varia
on the Indo-European Past: Studies
in Honor of Jaan Puhvel -- Part One: Studies
in Honor of Jaan Puhvel -- Part Two: Indo-European,
Nostratic and Beyond: Festschrift
for Eric P. Hamp -- Volume One The
Development of Verbal Reduplication in Indo-European Festschrift
for Eric P. Hamp -- Volume Two The
Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia Proceedings
of the Seventh UCLA Indo-European Conference: Los Angeles, 1995 Proceedings
of the Ninth UCLA Indo-European Conference: Los Angeles, May 23-24, 1997 On
the Bifurcation and Repression Theories of Germanic and German Language
Change and Typological Variation. Language
Change and Typological Variation. Proceedings
of the Tenth UCLA Indo-European Conference: Los Angeles, May 21-23, 1998 Miscellanea
Indo-Europea Sub-Grammatical
Survival: Indo-European s-mobile and its Regeneration in Germanic Proceedings
of the Eleventh UCLA Indo-European Conference: Los Angeles, June 4-5,
1999 The
One-eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-) Germanic Männerbünde The
Historical Morphology of the Baltic Verb Greater
Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family: Papers presented at a Colloquium
hosted by the University of Richmond, March 18-19, 2000 A
Definitive Reconstructed Text of the Coligny Calendar Proceedings
of the Twelfth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference: Los Angeles, May
26-28, 2000 Pre-Indo-European The
Indo-European and Ancient Near Eastern Sources of the Armenian Epic Indo-European
Perspectives Proceedings
of the Thirteenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference: Los Angeles, November
9-10, 2001 Regional
Specifics in Light of Global Models BC -- Regional
Specifics in Light of Global Models BC -- Proceedings
of the Fourteenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference: Dictionary
of Some Languages and Dialects of Afghanistan Proceedings
of the Fifteenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference Proceedings
of the Sixteenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference UKKO:
The God of Thunder of the Ancient Finns and His Indo-European Family Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference Proto-Indo-European
-- The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem: Studies in Honor of Marija
Gimbutas Indo-European
Origins: The Anthropological Evidence |